Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Natural Body Detox Tips

You may want to do natural body detox and start searching for body detox products in the market. One thing that you might not know is you can actually perform body cleansing at home without any products. You can refer below body detox tips if you want to do simple home detoxification.

1) Drink enough water
One of the best ways to start your body detox at home is to drink purified water. Water is the natural way to flush toxins out of you body. Drink not less than 64 ounces ounces (8 glasses of 8 ounces) of water per day plus an additional 8 ounces for every 25 pounds of excess weight you are carrying in order to maintain good health. In fact, a lot of people do not drink enough water and end up with water retention and toxins storage in the body.

We can know if we are drinking enough water by the color of the urine. The urine should be nearly clear if you drink enough water. If your urine is dark yellow, it means that you do not drink enough water. While it is more concentrated in the morning when you first go to the bathroom, it should look clearer throughout the day. Actually, a lot of people do not like to drink a lot of water throughout the day to avoid using the bathroom frequently due to busy schedule. They do not aware that drinking water is one of the best ways to purify your body naturally. By keeping yourself hydrated, you will start to notice that you are better in maintaining your weight or even lose weight.

2) Eat nutritious food
Another important factor in natural body detoxification has to do with the foods you eat. When you do your body cleanse, it is recommended to eat foods that are high in vitamins and minerals and low in fat. Eating at least seven fruits and vegetables a day will help you to detoxify your body system. Other foods that you will want to add to your diet include fish, blueberries, cranberries and leafy greens. These all work towards making you become healthier. You have most likely heard the old wise adage that you are what you eat. This is not just a saying, in fact it is a true fact. So, start by cutting out fats, fast foods that condtain high sodium, processed foods and sweets from your diet that add toxins.

Apart from that, there is a large variety of organic products that you can choose as well. Organic foods are developed without toxins such as artificial hormones and chemicals. Eating organic foods is one of the good ways to keep your body clear of impurities.

3) Perform regular exercise
Besides drink enough water and eat nutritious foods, exercise is also essential for body detox purpose. You should perform regular exercises include cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, swimming, cycling etc and strength and resistance training that will work up a sweat. You may also perform some relaxing exercises such as yoga and a walk to eliminate stress as well. With the stress lifestyle nowadays, many people do not aware that stress can play havoc on your body. Exercising is the natural body detoxification and everyone should perform it as it is not only get you in shape and burn calories, but also to sweat out toxins as well as reduce your stress.

4) Consume appropriate supplements
Supplements can also help you cleanse your body. You should take a good multivitamin supplements in order to naturally cleanse your body. This will make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals that you may be missing in your daily diet. Besides, you may have some probiotic supplements so that you have enough friendly bacteria in your body especially in your intestines.

Actually we can perform body detoxification with the correct health habits and avoid behavior that leads to toxins. Do not smoke, take drugs or drink alcohol. These are habits that are detrimental to your health and should be avoided. Once you get into the habits of naturally cleansing your body, you will start to feel healthier and look better. Your entire body will respond to natural body detoxification. It is not difficult to use body detoxification at home once you understand the whole concept. The interesting point is when you start to see and feel the results, it gets easier and motivate you to stick to the good habits and lifestyle.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who Needs Body Detoxification?

Anyone can make use of body detoxification of body detox if they want. However, your lifestyle and purpose of detoxification determine how often you use body detoxification materials. If you have a lifestyle that involves bad habits, such as smoking, you may want to use body detoxification more often than those who live in healthier way. Basically, people who need body detoxification or natural body detox consist of groups of people stated below.

Get Rid of Toxins

It is inevitable for us to come into contact with toxins as we live in this polluted world. Luckily, we can get rid of toxins through regular body detoxification, keeping our body clean and free from poisons derived from air we breathe, foods we take or things we use. Anyway, body detox should not be treated as a substitute for practicing good health through exercise and a well-balanced diet habit.

Keep A Healthier Digestive System

As mentioned in the body detoxification article, your digestive system and its health is vital to the overall body health. Colon cancer, which is cancer of the small intestine, is the number 3 cancer killer in the United States. Colon cancer is the result of polyps in the colon, normally caused by waste remaining in the colon. That is why people who want to keep a healthier digestive system use body detoxification to get rid of the waste in the body and keeps the colon clean.

Apart from that, many body detoxification formulas have herbs, vitamins and minerals in them, thus can feed the organs with nutrients besides keep them cleansed. In fact, body detox, especially natural body detox is a great way to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Pass Drug Testing
Some people who need to get drug tested for jobs use body detoxification at home to remove the remnants of illegal substances such as marijuana from the body. Although body detoxification does not help in a drug blood test, it can sometimes help someone pass a urine test for illegal substances or even tobacco. Someone who imbibes on the weekend can end up passing a drug test on Monday by using body detoxification. Of course, it is not recommended that you use body detoxification as a way to use drugs and pass the drug tests. Do not misuse it.

Want to Lose Weight

Some people will do body detoxification as the initial stage of weight loss. In fact, our body tends to store waste in our intestines. This may end up feeling bloated and retaining weight. Through body detoxification, it eliminates the waste from your body and makes you feel lighter instantly. The good thing of body detox is that body detox is a natural way to eliminate waste from your system and is not a laxative.

Anyway, body detoxification should not be treated as a substitute for correct weight loss method: Perform regular exercise and adjust to a healthy diet habit so that you can enjoy losing fat and keep it off forever. Too frequent of body detoxification can cause you lose some fats, of course, but it may cause you losing lean muscle tissue too. In a healthy weight loss, it is important for us to preserve and build lean muscle tissue so that we can boost our metabolism and burn more calories. And that is the only correct way in a healthy weight loss.


We cannot deny that most of the people can benefit from body detoxification, especially natural body detox diet. However, do not focus the wrong thing in maintaining health. The best way to stay healthy is to avoid toxins and drugs, perform regular exercise and eat a well-balanced diet which consists of all types of food categories.
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Understand Body Detoxification

It is common for people to conjure up images in their mind that are unpleasant when they first hear about body detoxification or body detox. However, once people get to understand about body detoxification, especially natural body detox and how it works, they will have a different opinion and accept it.

In fact, body detoxification concentrates on cleaning out our digestive system, normally by drinking a solution or having a detox diet that is made to clear out your intestines and give the organs in your digestive system a boost. Although it may sound like a surgical procedure, body detoxification only involves drinking and then going to the bathroom. That is all that simple, and it works to make sure that your digestive system is healthy.

One thing you might not aware that toxins exist everywhere. Even if you are a healthy person who does not smoke, does not drink and eats only organic or healthy foods, you are still taking in toxins. We need to breathe and toxins are in the air that your breathe. Toxins exist in the water that you drink as well. And how about toxins from acid rain? We cannot avoid toxins as long as we still alive. These toxins linger in the body and find their way to the digestive system, one of the important vital systems that you need to maintain good health.

Digestive System
Digestive system comprises of organs such as liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines. All of the organs in the digestive system have their own role to play in order to keep your body system running well. When we eat foods, they enter the digestive system through the stomach and are then passed for processing through the digestive tract. Some foods and drinks that you take in make the kidneys and pancreas work overtime in processing them. Once the food is processed in the system, it is then eliminated by way of waste. Solid waste is eliminated through the intestines as feces while liquids are eliminated by urine.

There are some cases that foods can end up getting stuck in the intestines, especially when you do not drink enough water. Cases where people have had elements in their intestines for 10 years are not a fresh issue under the sun. In addition, the organs also take a beating when it comes to getting rid of toxins as well as some foods that can be difficult for these organs to process. Simple carbohydrates, for example, require more work from the kidneys and pancreas as well as the liver.

Your whole body sings when your digestive system is in good working order. However, your whole body suffers when your digestive system is run out of the healthy order. That is why you need to have a healthy digestive system so that you can have a healthy body, and body detoxification does help in this area.

Circulatory System
Toxins in the air that you breathe enter the body through the circulatory system that brings blood to and from the organs. When you smoke, for example, the smoke is absorbed into your bloodstream and carried throughout your body. This negatively affects the digestive system. If you do not smoke, how about second hand smoke? And if your working environments include manufacturing or construction facilities?

Skin is in fact our biggest organ of the body. When you take a bath or shower using chemicals as are featured in shampoo and soap, the toxins are absorbed into your skin. When you breath in air, you take the toxins into your lungs. Now you know that it is inevitable for us to come into contact with toxins unless you decide to live your life in a plastic bubble.

Body detoxification is one of the steps you can take towards being healthier. You should also take other proper precautions when it comes to your health such as eat right, perform regular exercise and avoid bad habits. Body detoxification should be seen as a way to enhance your health, besides keep your digestive system healthy as it can get rid of any waste that is lingering in your intestines. Good body detoxification will also fill your body with the nutrients that you may be lacked of so that you can enjoy good health.
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