Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why We Go On A Natural Detox Diet

Detoxification or natural detox diet is the oldest medical treatment on Earth that involves natural process of neutralizing toxins from the body. Toxins and other unnecessary substances are transformed to less harmful compounds and sent out from the body in the form of urine and stools. A natural detox diet requires you to change your diet habit and lifestyle which include avoidance of unhealthy substances such as alcohol, tovbacco, drugs, rich and fatty foods, refined foods etc.

A simple natural detox diet is one that involves taking fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains which is high in fiber and other organic foods. During the period of diet, you are also prohibited to eat breads, baked goods, pasta, animal or dairy products and nuts. The natural detox diet helps increase the level of water and fiber in the body which promotes cleansing of the colon and and also gastrointestinal tract.

Purpose of Detoxification
People detoxify for a healthy and rejuvenated body. Natural detox diet helps you to clear symptoms, treat disease and prevent future problems. It is an ideal way to reevaluate your life and enhance vitality. Some people use natural detox diet for spiritual renewal, to feel more alive, awake and aware. With natural detox diet, it inspires a lifestyle free from abuses and addictions such as alcohol and tobacco addiction. Most often body energies are increased through natural detox diet and thus make a person looked different both internally and externally.

Best Time for Natural Detox Diet
If you want to detoxify just once in a year, the best time is during spring or autumn season. The hardest period during detox program is the first two days. On these days, you might feel symptoms like headaches, fatigue, irritability, mucous congestions and other body pains. However, anyone can maintain a regular work schedule during a detox diet according to medical experts.

The best day of the week for natural detox diet is Friday as you are expected to rest on the next days. This helps you to feel more relaxed and free from stress of work environment or to chemical exposures. It is also best to do detox diet on this day because you can avoid the temptation of breaking from the program and be with people that can support your decision.

We have five general detoxification systems composed of gastrointestinal, urinary, respiratory, lymphatic, skin. An individual lifestyle determines the frequency of detoxification needed by the body. The most common symptoms of toxicity are headache, over fatigue, backaches, digestive problems, allergies, and sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes and synthetics. But before undergoing detoxification it is important to consult your doctor to determine the real cause of the symptoms.

Benefits of Natural Detox Diet
Natural Detox diet is also helping in obesity issue as it almost always interconnected with toxicity. Losing weight means reducing body fats and eliminating toxins in the body. However, you need to be extra careful because you might also lose essential nutrients in your body. Physical activity and taking some supplements will enhance better weight loss and detoxification.

Moreover, detoxification does not only involves elimination of unnecessary body substances but also spiritual renewal. It is also important that when you undergo a natural detox diet you are free from pollutions, noise and stressful routines.

It can mean social isolation but it might be the best way to put away all the negative energies that pull us down and replace them with positive energies that will enhance our vitality and will bring us back to healthier body and mind.


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